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Officiell: Elbilen Cadillaq Lyriq andas lyx

Bilmärkets första elbil har aktiv ljudisolering och marknadens bästa skärm

  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
    Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design. Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement which introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.
  • Cadillac LYRIQ’s new electric vehicle architecture opens up possibilities in vehicle spaciousness and design.
Images display show car, not for sale. Some features shown may not be available on actual production model.

Då var det dags.
Cadillaq Lyriq, bilmärkets första elbil, är nu presenterad. Och den har inte direkt gjorts i en handvändning.
Bilen har en 33-tums skärm med högre pixeldensitet än i någon annan bil och en ny ljudisolering med inbyggda mikrofoner i kupén.

Natten till fredag presenterades elbilen Cadillac Lyriq. Den stora, lyxiga suven är som sagt bilmärkets första elbil och den visas nu upp i en konceptversion. Det sägs från Cadillac att någonstans mellan 80 till 85 procent kommer att behållas till den bil som börjar säljas om två år.

Lyriq har i vilket fall ett 100 kWh batteri som är fördelat på ett sätt så det ger en jämn vikt över fram- och bakaxel. Bilen är byggd på General Motors nya elbilsplattform, med en drivlina som kallas ”Ultium”. Några specifikationer delas inte i nuläget, men den ska ha en räckvidd på omkring 550 kilometer.

Den 33-tum stora LED-skärmen har Bytbil rapporterat om tidigare. Det är den där som sträcker sig över hela instrumentbrädan. Men visst får man hålla med om att den är långt mer iögonfallande på de nya interiörbilderna än vad som tidigare visats upp. På skärmen visas allt från head up-display och navigation till instrument och infotainmentsystem. Enligt Cadillac har den dessutom den högsta pixeldensitet av alla skärmar inom bilindustrin idag. Bara det är imponerande.

Men frågan är om inte ljudisoleringen slår skärmen på fingrarna rent tekniskt. I Lyriq introduceras nämligen en ny brusreducerande teknik. I kupén finns mikrofoner som plockar upp ljudvågor utifrån. Det skickas sedan ut en ”motsignal” i högtalarna som sänker ljudnivån för passagerarna.

Förarassistanssystemet ”Super Cruise” ska, enligt Cadillac, vara det första system som ger en fullständig hands-free-körupplevelsse. Bilen ska inte bara kunna parkera själv (utan förare i bilen) utan även köra självmant och genomföra filbyten.

Som sagt får vi vänta till slutet av 2022 innan Cadillac Lyriq finns hos bilhandlarna. Vilka 15 till 20 procent av den nu presenterade konceptbilen som suddas bort vet vi vid ett senare tillfälle.

Någon prisbild har ännu inte presenterats.


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