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Beskrivning och övrig information
Yamaha has been building 2-stroke motocross bikes for the past 50 years â and has been an equally long racing history. It is this unrivalled experience that has enabled the company to develop the latest YZ125 â a bike that is built to take you into the victorYZone!
Featuring lightweight race-bred engine internals and benefitting from Yamahaâs famous torque-boosting YPVS (Yamaha Power Valve System), the YZ125 develops hard-hitting power that keeps you way out front. The high-efficiency air intake ensures optimum performance and instant throttle response â and the slick shifting close-ratio 6-speed transmission helps you to shave precious seconds off your lap times.
Its sharp looking ultra slim bodywork gives you a high degree of controllability on the ground and in the air â and the flat seat and race-developed ergonomics allow you to move easily around the bike when braking and accelerating hard. The YZ125 is in it to win it â now just add your ability and prepare to enter the victorYZone!
Ord.pris 99900kr
yamaha vasteras yz yz- yz125 yz-125 YZ 556199-6090
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